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[health] Family history can trump breast cancer gene test
Family history can trump (超过,胜过,打赢)breast cancer gene test 关于女性身体健康 乳腺、卵巢、子宫等疾病正在袭击越来越多的女性。这些疾病和基因有关系吗?如果有一定关系,母亲有病史的情况下,女儿患该类疾病的可能性是多少? 小编 By LAURAN NEERGAARD...
作者:发表于:2008-11-19 11:47:12 点击:128476 查阅全文...
[economics] Leaders vow to do whatever it takes
Economic summit sets broad goals WASHINGTON — This weekend's financial summit reshaped global politics and may eventually reshape the global economy. But the gathering left numerous critical details unresolved. Page1B For the first ...
作者:David J. Lynch发表于:2008-11-18 14:05:21 点击:74963 查阅全文...
[love] Proof´s in the brain scan: Romance can last
有人说,爱情难过七年之痒,有人说,浪漫只能持续两到三年,因为浪漫是化学物质。果真如此么?爱情当真没有保质期么?且看看这篇 USA Today的报告吧。 The honeymoon doesn't have to be over just because you've been together for years, new research suggests. ...
作者:发表于:2008-11-18 12:48:29 点击:668654 查阅全文...
[education] Study Abroad Flourishes, With China a Hot Spot
Published: November 17, 2008 Record numbers of American students are studying abroad, with especially strong growth in educational exchanges with China, the annual report by the Institute on International Education found. The number of Americans ...
作者:TAMAR LEWIN发表于:2008-11-17 22:35:19 点击:230536 查阅全文...
[culture] Why wait until Jan. for new president?
Plain Talk by President Bush's 作者:Al Neuharth发表于:2008-11-15 23:14:01 点击:120863 查阅全文...
[culture] Explain This: Why Obama Must Wait To Become President
By Marshall Brain, | McClatchy-Tribune November 6, 2008 Barack Obama waives to a crowd of thousands at the XL Center in Hartford. (MICHAEL MCANDREWS / February 4, 2008) With the election over and Barack Obama chosen as the...
作者:发表于:2008-11-15 14:27:26 点击:207939 查阅全文...
[economics] Economic summit
Bush: Don't reinvent free-market system By David Jackson USA TODAY Nov. 14, 2008 WASHINGTON — World leaders converging here this weekend will try to reverse the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, amid ...
作者:David Jackson发表于:2008-11-15 14:25:09 点击:85391 查阅全文...
[education] A School Chief Takes On Tenure, Stirring a Fight
Readers: Do you think that Chinese universities should or should not employ teacher tenure system?  tenure : the status of holding one's position on a permanent basis without periodic contract renewals: 终身职位:不用续签有期限的合同的而永久...
作者:发表于:2008-11-14 12:02:55 点击:139314 查阅全文...